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About HtH

Harmony through Harmony (HtH) began in 2009, to see what could happen when a love of making music was combined with a growing heart for hurting people.


We are motivated by Christ’s mission to “Preach good news to the poor, …proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed.” (Luke 4:18).


HtH invites its participants on a journey of discovery. Through our singing and break-out discussions, we explore and express what we each think, believe and value. In addition to singing, we may discuss current events, books, articles, the Bible, other media, and the lyrics of our music. We also spend time in prayer for our world and for each other. In the process, we aim to discover our part in God's redemptive plan for humanity.


We present concerts to raise awareness of issues that break the heart of God, to support organizations that are actively working to alleviate these problems, and to bring hope to those who are suffering injustice.


We are based in Calgary, Canada. HtH seeks to be a reproducing organization that will spread to the development of many types of singing groups worldwide.

Our Mission

Our Vision

HtH is a network of singing ensembles that exists to...

build community, where we

expand worldviews, in order to

develop leaders, who will 

impact culture, through the

fight for justice


Thriving communities worldwide

where people are attending to their

God-given identity and purpose


Our Core Values


  • entering into the experience of others, particularly their suffering




  • doing our best within the limits of our time, health, expertise, and other commitments


  • acting in a dependable way, knowing we can count on each other

  • seeing projects through to completion



  • seeking to personally and corporately develop in character and competence

  • being fruitful and multiplying


  • acknowledging where we have limitations

  • acknowledging where we have strengths



  • being willing to try something new

  • risking being vulnerable

  • facing our fears

  • asking God and each other for help


Core Values

Our Core Activities

gathering together

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Acts 2:42

We are a network of singing ensembles; rehearsing in groups of up to 16 participants, meeting in homes.  About once monthly we gather all ensembles together for mass rehearsals.


A typical HtH weekly gathering consists of a family-style meal, music rehearsing, learning and discussing, and praying together. 


If you would like to join our gatherings, please 

singing together

Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Eph 5:19 ​

Music with a message!  Our repertoire is specially selected to serve our missional pillars of building community, expanding worldviews, developing leaders, and fighting for justice.


Many of our songs have been composed or arranged specifically for us through our HtH Composers Guild, consisting of HtH leaders, participants and friends! If you have some ideas for songs that would fit for HtH, please let us know!


Want to hear more? 

learning together

 Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed.

Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.

Is 1:17

We devote time in our gatherings to learning, particularly topics related to leadership and justice. We aim to to develop our character and our capacity for leadership. We aim to raise our own awareness of injustice and develop healthy responses to it. Resources may include Bible study, books, videos, articles, guest speakers, conferences, and Learning & Serving Trips.


Learn along with us!  

To check out some recommended resources, 

serving together

Even so the body is not made up of one part, but of many.

1 Cor 12:14

We partner with ministries that do front-line justice work, supporting their awareness and fundraising efforts.


To see some of the organizations we have partnered with, 


Can HtH be of service to you? Please 


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© 2024 Harmony through Harmony

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